Tuesday, July 26, 2011

There's Christmas in July if your papi is Jesus!

So God is crazy awesome. He must have another, more sovereign sounding word for this but all my human ability can only come up with crazy awesome! God knows our hearts, our desires, our every need. What's more? That he even cares about our needless wants. My unnecessary wanna-get-its!

See, I have short prayer list of things I would like to have, things that sometimes I think would make my life easier. These are things I could go without, but look much cooler with! Stuff the budget doesn't always allow for like couches, a car, outdoor furniture, house, grill etc. True story, I have asked for all of those things and more at different times in my life and at random times God has brought them into my life. It is crazy to think about praying for something and almost forget you even used to pray for it and God gives it to you. I wanted a couch, I like to call a "small group couch"-- L sectional, for months and then my aunt moves into a house and her nice couch doesn't fit so she offers it to us. Totally God. I used to drive an orangsicle corisca car, you guys know the type. Needless to say, I hit up the prayer list for a diff one right away. Haha, but it wasn't until I was finally unashamed of my creamsicle that God layed a pt cruiser w/ leather, sun roof, the works (yups for free!) in our hands. These things dont always happen back to back, months or years can come in between but the timing is always perfect.

This summer, renting a house n all I thought it would be nice to have a few lawn chairs and a grill. Thought about buying a cheap camping one. I didn't want to spend the money on it, other things took priority, so I was on the look out for a blessing. A few weeks ago driving, I spotted my chairs in the trash. We actually ended up passing them up but I told God I knew he loved me and if he wanted me to have those chairs he could make it happen. Twenty mins later, my bro in law shows up at our house with them! God is the best. I almost gave up hope for grill coming this summer. Then My sis in law called and asked us if we wanted one that uncle Tim found scraping. I was pumped! Lord, I would have been happy with a tin can w/ a rack on top. To my surprise it was a Char-broiled stainless steel. It amazes me how much God can love us and care about details.

I've been asking God for crazy stuff for few years now. I'm trying to think back to when it all started and my memory keeps coming to the time I "asked" God for a husband. It went more like this "God, you know I want a man and you know I think I should have already been married at 18, but I decided that as long as I'm doing what you want , and you're doing what you want with me, I will be happy even if I never get married." Before that, God knew my deepest desire was to find the husband I knew he had for me. He also knew that I needed to want Him above that. Attitude and priorities played a big role in how much God was willing to bless me with. I finally came to a point where knew I needed God first above all else, and if He was number one, I would be happy and content with anything else that fell into my life.

Since then, I find it really cool to put in His hands things I want but would never let take His place in a million years. When I do that, it helps me to be perfectly content without it.

P.S. I married the best husband who couldn't be anymore perfect for me. Now come to think of it maybe I'm asking for the accessories to go along with it.

Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don't worry about missing out. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. (Matthew 6:33 MSG)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Simple by design, manner, & style.

So You may ask, what's simple? ... but Probably not! However, Today I'd like to start this blog out with the definition of simple. My fav descriptions were...

1. unaffected; unassuming; modest: a simple manner.

2. not complicated: a simple design.

3. not elaborate or artificial; plain: a simple style.

I've been thinking a lot lately about how to live simple, in our means, rid of excess, and self inflicted complications. Needless to say, this started the inspiration for this blog. I picked these 3 definitions because I would like to live simple, unaffected by the influence of others, unassuming of the ones I love, modest in fashion as well as life style, not complicated in ways of communications, not elaborate in speeches needing a quick point, not artificial in face and and last but not least, Plain. I would like for God to show me plainly the steps he has for us to take, and be with us every step of the way!

If you ask people what a "simple life" for them might look like, We would get a ton of different answers. Some people live in messy houses and don't mind, to them its "simple" --just don't pick up your stuff and others know in order to be stress-free they must pick up the house before they can fully relax. (I'm the this one, if you couldn't already tell.) But what I am beginning to see and seek out is living a simple life daily led the guidance of the Holy Spirit. For me right now, complex comes before simple. I run a hamster wheel in my head 24/7 of how, when, what, where, why and, will it be done in the most time efficient way? See, I don't like to live in regret, so I always must make sure the order of things are going to work out perfectly before I try them, otherwise I just wasted time if they didnt. (so wrong I know)To put things into a shorter version, instead of going to God and asking him what should I do next? I spend 3.8 Bajillion years of try/fail/try/fail...before I come to him and ask what I really should be consuming my time with! Why is this?--Comment if you know but I think Im just going to say it like it is I, Alyssa Arredondo, can complicate things beyond reasonable need. Although sometimes, my effort to work things out in efficient ways is a great blessing. Such as combining trips to save gas, time, energy, etc. However I realize I spend an unreasonable amount of time thinking about whats next, prepare, whats next, prepare. I don't take time to fully enjoy where I am. (which right now is tea time, midnight snack and blogging.) I really want to. So I'm asking God to show me in ways to live simply where he wants me. My most efficient way to do this is to stop and listen to his voice. And seriously I know its crazy but I will get a thought about doing something and roll with it, and things work out better than I could have planned myself, and not so good if I didn't listen. Anyway, I am here to say...God is awesome. Pray, Put Him first in your life, and complex becomes simple. Things that maybe took you years to figure out are become second nature, problems you rack your brain trying to think of answers...now have solutions. God loves you so much and is waiting for you to just ask, he will answer, he loves to love us. God wants better for us than we want for ourselves. Lastly, and Im out, I just want to share a few verses that are Simple by

Ps. 139:16 You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.

Ps 62:11-12 God has spoken plainly,
and I have heard it many times:
Power, O God, belongs to you;
unfailing love, O Lord, is yours.
Surely you repay all people
according to what they have done.

Ps 55:22 Give your burdens to the Lord,
and he will take care of you.
He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.

Check out some great friends of mine wrote on their idea of Simple.

Emily Kate & Shelly HD