Monday, August 1, 2011

Resolutions to Revolution!

Carpe Diem. Its an old saying right? An awesome one at that. Lately Raul and I have been saying "Live it." To me, it means the same thing. Take the life that Jesus has given us and use it for a purpose to glorify him.

A lot of people, including myself, start off the New Year with a few resolutions. For me, I know there's changes to made, goals to accomplish and things I need to finish. Sometimes I just lack motivation or a reason to get it done. But why wait until the New Year to start?- Is that not procrastination all the more? That's why right now, I compiled a list of things I hope to achieve before the New Year even comes around. I encourage you as well, if you've been wanting to start, quit, get, or give...start today! You'll have more to celebrate when the new year comes around. Feel free to comment with your number one resolution to revolution!

Here we go:

  • Hang pictures in my house
  • Pray more on purpose.
  • Read 2 books (Don't laugh.)
  • Catch up and Stay on my Chronological- one yr. bible reading plan @
  • Rejuvenate our church Nursery
  • Redo some furniture
  • Spend time with Family/Build relationships
  • Learn frugality (Have a Pay Debt/ Save MoNey plan-actually have money in our savings acc. come Jan 1st 2012)
  • Give more money and of myself.
  • Do Small group homework before the day its due- Live on purpose.

No particular order, for anti-judging purposes. Haha :) This blog was inspired by Jesus and the Coffee mommas. Shelly, Emily and I ...were not out there to get big or rich, we love us some Jesus and like us coffee drinkin'. Our purpose is to inspire, encourage and motivate not only one another, but everyone around us. And Yeah we write some awesome blogs for anyones enjoyment, so be sure to click their links and see their resolutions!

"I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work." –Pearl S. Buck


  1. If you're feeling like seizing some furniture revamping, I have some things at my house that need some sanding and painting!:D Great list, and certainly attainable by January!

  2. I smell aaaaaa Furniture revamping paaarrrrttttyyyyyyyyy
