Just read an inspirational teaching on Developing a child's sense of worship, here's the conclusion...
In review, our services need to be such that they develop a sense of worship in our children. First, our services must go beyond technical excellence to absolute dependency on the power of God’s Spirit for true spiritual change to take place. Second, we must preach with a message of commitment to God with urgency because spiritual response to God is a matter of life and death. Third, it should be obvious to the kids that the overwhelming focus of the service is Jesus, not the contemporary methods being used. Fourth, song worship needs to go beyond physical involvement, beyond hype, to a point of intimate worship and stillness before God that brings soul searching and repentance. As we, as pastors, implement these principles in our services, our children will develop a sense of worship that creates a desire for God, a responsiveness to His Word and the moving of His Spirit, and a commitment to personal, spiritual change.
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Love this and definitely think it applies to "big church" worship as well. The content of this article should def be our focus in streamlining nursery worship!