Okay so the JCM topic was Why girls need girls, why girl friends are important. In raw honesty, I have to admit my first reaction to hearing the topic was "ugh sounds sappy." FYI, Urban dictionary defines sappy as "something very lame, or something so sweet it makes you want to puke." Thank God for 2nd reactions...I began to think about it and got excited to write on the topic. Since everyone loves a list, Here, in no particular order, are the reasons I came up with- Why girls need other girl friends:
* I can't have guy friends when you're married. (Don't fight me on this, it's true. I would say 90% of my friends, and including myself have said they grew up hangin out with boys and not girls. I have come to realize why this was, at least for myself. Girls size other girls up, and compare, too much! Girls have an undying need to be cuter than the next and since girls cannot be compared to guys, girls hung out with guys. Every girl, including myself will simply state this "because boys are less drama." Not to mention its always easy to hang out with guys because GUYS like girls. One exception to having a guy friend while married is another couple you and your spouse hang out with)
*I need someone to tell me if its too low,short,tight and just ain't right! We have our girl friends because they are honest with us and our clothing choices. and We know guys are biased on this subject. ;)
*I might need someone to cry with. Again 90% of my friends, including myself would say they are NOT "criers" but in raw honesty, we cry sometimes and it's just a little easier when your girl friends feel ya on a given subject.
*I need opinions and advice. Whether its marriage to babies, girls need advice from godly women who might have been through the same things--& Guys dont pop out babies or have been through every weird thing that comes along with it.
*I need someone to listen. Okay guys might listen, and I have a great man who does. I do find that my girlfriends will patiently hear out my details of the story. I find most girls are good listeners and this is something I do need to work on.
*I might need someone to be excited about the 2nd, 3rd, 90th kid I am having. Boys don't get this, its cool for the first but not so much the second OR 90th. and if you a guy and reading this...Your woman needs just as much love and pampering as she got on the first baby, maybe even more because now she has both hands full. Girls get this!--and your really close girl friends will try to get scheme their way into your delivery room, just to show you love.
*Friends help me focus!
I'm not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don't get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm
not turning back.
Stick with me, friends. Keep track of those you see running this same course, headed for this same goal.So let's keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred vision—you'll see it yet! Now that we're on the right track, let's stay on it. (Phil 3)I'm sure my list could go on, and although I can hate to admit I need other people, I surely do. And I am so blessed with friends around me who keep me accountable and tell me what I need to hear. They ultimately make me a better woman, and to quote Emily, "the woman God knows I can be."
Thanks to all my GIRL friends, I love you beyond words, and appreciate you more than you understand! <33
Ps. I can dig sappy.